Helldivers 2 Rüstung Passives: Eine umfassende Leitfaden und Tierliste
Helldivers 2 kategorisiert die Rüstung in leichte, mittelgroße und schwere Varianten, die sich jeweils auf Mobilität und Verteidigung auswirken. Die wirkliche Kraft liegt jedoch in den Panzerpassiven - starke Vorteile verändern das Gameplay erheblich. Dieser Leitfaden beschreibt alle Passive und bietet eine Tierliste, um Ihre Strategie zu optimieren.
Alle Panzerpassive und ihre Auswirkungen
In der folgenden Tabelle werden alle 14 Panzerpassive (ab der Spielversion von 1.002.003) und deren Funktionen aufgeführt. Denken Sie daran, dass nur Körperpanzer passive Fähigkeiten gewährt; Helme und Umhänge bieten keine zusätzlichen Boni. Die Auswahl des richtigen Passiven ist entscheidend für die Anpassung an Missionsprobleme und die Maximierung Ihrer Wirksamkeit.
Armor Passive | Description |
Acclimated | 50% resistance to acid, electrical, fire, and gas damage. |
Advanced Filtration | 80% resistance to gas damage. |
Democracy Protects | 50% chance to survive lethal attacks (e.g., headshots); prevents chest injuries (e.g., internal bleeding). |
Electrical Conduit | 95% resistance to lightning arc damage. |
Engineering Kit | +2 grenade capacity; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone. |
Extra Padding | +50 armor rating. |
Fortified | 50% resistance to explosive damage; 30% recoil reduction while crouching or prone. |
Inflammable | 75% resistance to fire damage. |
Med-Kit | +2 stim capacity; +2 seconds additional stim duration. |
Peak Physique | 100% increased melee damage; improved weapon handling (reduced weapon movement drag). |
Scout | 30% reduced enemy detection range; map markers generate radar scans. |
Servo-Assisted | 30% increased throwing range; 50% additional limb health. |
Siege-Ready | 30% increased primary weapon reload speed; 30% increased primary weapon ammo capacity. |
Unflinching | 95% reduced recoil flinching. |
Panzerpassive Stufe Liste
Diese Tierliste (Version 1.002.003) bewertet Passive basierend auf Gesamtwert, Nutzen und Effektivität über verschiedene Missionen und feindliche Typen.
Tier | Armor Passive | Rationale |
**S** | Engineering Kit | Extra grenades are invaluable for diverse tasks (closing bug holes, destroying fabricators, etc.). |
Med-Kit | Significantly improves survivability, especially when combined with the Experimental Infusion booster. | |
Siege-Ready | Boosts ammo capacity and reload speed, crucial for managing large enemy groups, particularly with ammo-intensive weapons. | |
**A** | Democracy Protects | Provides strong early-game defense, allowing survival against lethal attacks. |
Extra Padding | Offers flat damage resistance, a consistently useful benefit. | |
Fortified | Extremely effective against Automatons, enhancing survival against explosive attacks and improving weapon effectiveness against bots. | |
Servo-Assisted | Particularly useful against Terminids, increasing throwing range for stratagems and reducing injury risk from claw attacks. | |
**B** | Peak Physique | Situational; melee combat is generally avoided, though the reduced weapon drag can be helpful against mobile enemies. |
Inflammable | Ideal for fire-based builds, especially effective against Terminids and Illuminate on fire-heavy planets. | |
Scout | Useful for revealing enemy positions, but could benefit from highlighting objectives. | |
**C** | Acclimated | Rarely beneficial as missions seldom feature all four elemental damage types simultaneously. |
Advanced Filtration | Only valuable for gas-focused builds, and the overall impact is limited. | |
Electrical Conduit | Primarily useful against Illuminate, but other options often prove superior. | |
Unflinching | Minimal impact on combat effectiveness. |
Dieser Leitfaden sollte Ihnen helfen, die effektivsten Rüstungs -Passive für Ihre Helldivers 2 -Missionen auszuwählen. Denken Sie daran, Ihre Auswahl an den spezifischen Herausforderungen anzupassen, die jede Mission vorstellt.
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