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Hearthstone's Great Dark Beyond Returns Burning Legion

Author:Kristen Update:Dec 11,2024


Hearthstone's "The Great Dark Beyond" expansion has arrived, introducing 145 new collectible cards, Starships, and the Draenei! This guide dives into the details.

Who are the Draenei?

The Draenei, a new minion type, are cosmic beings – the "Exiled Ones" from Warcraft lore. Having fled the Burning Legion, they now journey through "The Great Dark Beyond" in Hearthstone, seeking a new home. These nomadic minions often synergize with subsequent Draenei played, creating a powerful family unit rallied around their leader, Velen.

Starships and Starship Pieces:

The expansion's core mechanic revolves around customizable Starships. Players collect Starship Pieces, deploying them as regular minions. Upon defeat, these pieces enhance your Starship, transforming it into a formidable battlefield presence. Each class (Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Rogue, and Warlock) boasts a unique Starship design. "The Exile's Hope" offers a neutral location for all classes.

[Video Embed: https://www.youtube.com/embed/RV0a47cZFsk?feature=oembed]

The expansion also features the return of Spellburst and a revamped Rewards Track brimming with rewards. Download Hearthstone from the Google Play Store to join the adventure!

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