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AFK Journey - Tier List Update for 2025

Author:Kristen Update:Feb 02,2025

This tier list ranks AFK Journey characters based on versatility, overall performance in PvE, Dream Realm, and PvP. Remember, most characters are viable; this list prioritizes optimal endgame performance.

Table of Contents

  • AFK Journey Tier List
  • S-Tier Characters
  • A-Tier Characters
  • B-Tier Characters
  • C-Tier Characters

AFK Journey Tier List

Many AFK Journey heroes are suitable for various content. However, some excel in challenging endgame scenarios. This tier list reflects that disparity. Character rankings consider versatility and performance across PvE, Dream Realm, and PvP.

SThoran, Rowan, Koko, Smokey & Meerky, Reinier, Odie, Eironn, Lily May, Tasi, Harak
AAntandra, Viperian, Lyca, Hewynn, Bryon, Vala, Temesia, Silvina, Shakir, Scarlita, Dionel, Alsa, Phraesto, Ludovic, Mikola, Cecia, Talene, Sinbad, Hodgkin, Sonja
BValen, Brutus, Rhys, Marilee, Igor, Granny Dahnie, Seth, Damian, Cassadee, Carolina, Arden, Florabelle, Soren, Korin, Ulmus, Dunlingr, Nara, Lucca, Hugin
CSatrana, Parisa, Niru, Mirael, Kafra, Fay, Salazer, Lumont, Kruger, Atalanta

S-Tier Characters

thoran in afk journey

Lily May, a recent addition, is a must-have Wilder character, excelling in damage and utility. She counters Eironn teams in PvP and significantly boosts Wilder team performance. Thoran remains the top F2P tank, even with Phraesto's availability (Phraesto is considered a luxury unit). Reinier is a crucial support for both PvE and PvP, especially Dream Realm and Arena. Koko and Smokey & Meerky are essential support units for most game modes. Odie shines in Dream Realm and all PvE content. Eironn, paired with Damien and Arden, forms a dominant Arena team. Tasi, another strong Wilder character, offers excellent crowd control across most game modes. Harak, a powerful Hypogean/Celestial Warrior, steadily increases in strength throughout battles.

A-Tier Characters

Lyca and Vala effectively utilize the Haste stat, crucial for attack frequency and speed. Lyca provides party-wide Haste boosts, while Vala increases her own Haste with each kill. Antandra is a solid alternative tank to Thoran, offering taunts, shields, and crowd control. Viperian complements a Graveborn core with energy drain and AoE attacks, though less effective in Dream Realm. Alsa, a strong DPS mage, is a viable alternative to Carolina in PvP, particularly with Eironn. Phraesto, a durable tank, lacks damage output. Ludovic, the first Graveborn healer, synergizes well with Talene and excels in PvP. Cecia, while a capable Marksman, has reduced late-game value compared to newer characters. Sonja significantly improves the Lightborne faction's overall performance.

B-Tier Characters


B-Tier characters effectively fill roles but are outclassed by higher-tier alternatives. Valen and Brutus are strong early-game DPS choices. Granny Dahnie serves as a decent alternative tank. Arden and Damien are PvP meta mainstays, less useful in other modes. Florabelle provides secondary DPS support, but requires significant investment. Soren performs adequately in PvP but lacks effectiveness elsewhere. Korin's Dream Realm performance has diminished.

C-Tier Characters


C-Tier characters are generally outclassed after AFK level 100. Parisa, while offering strong AoE crowd control, is quickly surpassed by other options. These characters are best replaced as soon as possible with stronger alternatives.

This tier list is subject to change with future hero additions and game updates. Regularly check for updates as the meta evolves.