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Town Life Busy Hospital

Town Life Busy Hospital




子ども 67.1 MB Jan 22,2025




Town Life Busy Hospital Screenshot 1
Town Life Busy Hospital Screenshot 2
Town Life Busy Hospital Screenshot 3
Town Life Busy Hospital Screenshot 4
Application Description:

Become a doctor, treat patients, and care for newborns in this bustling clinic! You'll experience the daily routine of a hospital from various perspectives, playing the role of different doctors and even a patient seeking treatment. Design your ideal hospital and create your own unique story!

[Hall] An ambulance arrives at the ground floor hall. As a doctor, you'll attend to every patient. The hall provides stretchers, wheelchairs, and basic medical supplies. Amenities like an ATM, water dispenser, gift shop, and coffee machine cater to patients and visitors. Those waiting for their number can make coffee, while visitors can purchase flowers and fruit baskets.

[Examination Room] Take the elevator to the second floor examination area for consultations and physicals. Equipment includes height measuring tools, blood testing facilities, CT scanners, and X-ray machines.

[Dental Department] Located on the right side of the second floor, the dental clinic features simulated tooth models, electric toothbrushes, oral irrigators, and other advanced dental cleaning equipment. Dentists here treat patients with toothaches.

[Obstetrics and Gynecology Department] On the third floor, expectant mothers await the arrival of their babies, cared for by nannies. The department includes bathrooms and shower rooms for mothers and babies, along with a nursery stocked with toys, dolls, formula, and baby clothes.


  1. Realistic hospital simulation with diverse characters, including doctors and patients.
  2. Richly detailed and interactive departmental environments.
  3. Over 50 characters with lifelike visuals, expressions, actions, and sound effects.
  4. Open-world design allowing for free placement and unexpected interactions.
Additional Game Information
Version: 8.0.5
Size: 67.1 MB
OS: Android 5.0+
Platform: Android
Available on Google Pay
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