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动作 1.6 GB Feb 05,2025





Experience Dastro, the ultimate all-in-one multiplayer game featuring Blitz Royale, Kart Race, and Social Deduction! Craft your KOMPETITOR, define your playstyle, and dive into some of the most thrilling multiplayer game modes ever created. Showcase your skills and prove you're GOATED. You might never need another multiplayer game again! Free-to-play, cross-platform, and cross-progression. It's time to KOMPETE!

Current game modes include: Blitz Royale, Kart Race, and Social Deduction.

Blitz Royale: A fast-paced Battle Royale with respawns and exosuits. The last team standing wins. #NextGenBR

  • Quick Matches: Engage in intense battles concluding in under 10 minutes. Non-stop action guaranteed!
  • Superior Loot: Every weapon is a game-changer in skilled hands. No more endless scavenging for poor equipment.
  • Respawn Mechanic: Re-enter the fray if your teammate survives long enough. The fight never ends!
  • Advanced Movement: Experience unparalleled fluidity and control. Yes, you can slide cancel!
  • Exosuits: Enhance your agility with incredible speed boosts and wall-climbing abilities.
  • Spawn Items: Utilize your drone to deploy game-changing items from loot capsules. Each item has a Kapsule cost – choose wisely!
  • Attributes & Traits: Perfect your gameplay by customizing skill attributes and traits to match your unique style.

Kart Race: An action-packed kart racing experience with weapons and nitro boosts. First across the finish line wins! #Skkkrrrrrrt

  • Power-Ups: Collect weapons and utility items scattered throughout the track for a competitive edge.
  • Handbrake Turns: Master precise turns and navigate challenging corners with finesse.
  • Nitro Boosts: Experience the adrenaline rush of incredible speed boosts, leaving your rivals in the dust.
  • Obstacles: Stay alert and avoid environmental obstacles that could halt your progress.
  • Attributes & Traits: Customize your player's skill attributes and unlock unique abilities to refine your racing style.

Social Deduction: Expose and stop the Thug from eliminating everyone. #Shhhh

  • Roles: Play as a Civilian, Guard, or Thug.
    • Thug: Eliminate EVERYONE. Avoid the Guard!
    • Guard: Work with the Civilians. Use your weapon to eliminate the Thug.
    • Civilian: Use your detective skills to expose the Thug. Stay away from the Thug!


Dastro, an ex-pro gamer, founded Modernize Games in September 2020 after becoming frustrated with the current state of multiplayer games.

What's New in Version 1.0 (Last updated Dec 14, 2024): Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the latest version to experience them!

版本号: 1.0
大小: 1.6 GB
系统要求: Android 11.0+
平台: Android
可用于 谷歌支付
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