Introducing Tata Savings+, a convenient and effective app that offers a smarter way to invest in Tata Liquid Fund, Tata Overnight Fund, Tata Arbitrage Fund, and Tata India Tax Savings Fund. With features like easy registration, investment options, and hassle-free redemption, this app simplifies the investment process. Simply create a profile, validate your email address and PAN, and start investing using net banking. However, please note that mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, so make sure to read all scheme-related documents carefully. Download Tata Savings+ now to start your investment journey.
This app, Tata Savings+, offers a range of key features that make investing in Tata's various funds a smarter and more convenient process:
In conclusion, Tata Savings+ offers a comprehensive set of features that enhance the investing experience. It simplifies registration, provides easy investment and encashment options, presents information in a user-friendly manner, and emphasizes the importance of understanding market risks. Users can make confident investment decisions and manage their portfolio effectively through this app. Click now to download!
Android 5.1 or later
Aplicación útil para gestionar inversiones Tata. La interfaz de usuario es intuitiva y fácil de usar.
Excellent app for managing Tata investments! Easy to use and provides all the necessary information. Highly recommended!
Application correcte pour gérer les investissements Tata, mais manque de certaines fonctionnalités.
Die App ist okay, aber die Benutzeroberfläche könnte verbessert werden.