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vfxAlert:交易者和投资者的终极分析工具 vfxAlert 是一款专为交易者和投资者设计的强大应用程序,提供全套分析工具,全面提升您的交易体验。该应用汇集了市场分析和精准预测所需的一切功能,让您随时掌握市场脉搏。从信号及其强度到热力图、交易指标、在线图表和趋势,所有必要工具都整齐地在一个窗口中与您的经纪商平台整合。此外,vfxAlert 还提供一系列附加指标,例如波动性、趋势、商品通道指数 (CCI)、多空指标、RSI 趋势指标、枢轴点等等。凭借其用户友好的界面和全天候的客户支持,vfxAlert 成为您全球通用的终极交易助手。 vfxAlert 的主要功能: ❤️ 一体化分析工具:为交

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Category:Finance Size:248.26M

Ready to advance your career? Look no further than BestJobs, the leading job search app. Focusing on job opportunities in Romania and surrounding European countries, it's your gateway to exciting career prospects. Create a detailed profile, including personal information, work history, and salary

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Pi Pay
Pi Pay
Category:Finance Size:36.00M

Experience the convenience and security of Pi Pay, Cambodia's leading mobile payment app. Make quick and easy payments for everyday purchases – movies, food, coffee, clothes, gas, and more – all with a few simple taps. Leave the cash at home and say goodbye to fumbling with change. Pi Pay also of

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Introducing the LeasePlan Bank Savings App: Your gateway to effortless online savings! LeasePlan Bank is committed to making saving enjoyable. Our app, packed with user-friendly features and attractive savings options, helps you achieve your financial aspirations in a fun and engaging way. (Repla

Category:Finance Size:25.99M

The sFOX mobile app: Your gateway to professional-grade crypto trading. This leading crypto prime brokerage, previously only available to large institutions, is now in your pocket. sFOX lets you securely buy, sell, and store a diverse range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana,

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