> Earn rewards for correctly answering questions.
> Explore a vast array of categories: cars, animals, Hollywood, bikes, science, mobile games, countries, and more.
> Participate in daily, weekly, and monthly Lucky Draw contests for exciting prizes.
> Spin the wheel of fortune for extra rewards like vouchers, gift cards, and diamonds.
> Benefit from a multifaceted reward system, encompassing direct and indirect referral tokens, and salt coins.
> Enjoy a clean interface, impressive graphics, a lightweight app design, and consistent updates.
Download Salt Mango APK today and dive into an engaging and interactive learning adventure. Answer questions on your favorite subjects, win fantastic prizes in Lucky Draws, and spin your way to extra rewards. This app's intuitive interface, sharp graphics, and frequent updates guarantee an enjoyable and informative experience. Start learning and earning – download now!
Android 5.1 or later
Eine nette Quiz-App, aber die Fragen sind manchmal etwas zu einfach. Die Belohnungssystem ist okay.
A fun quiz app, but some of the questions are a bit too easy. The reward system is decent, though.
Une excellente application de quiz ! Les questions sont variées et les récompenses sont intéressantes. Je recommande !