⭐️ Online Ordering: Customers order online through a QR code menu, directly to their table.
⭐️ Order Management: Quickly access products, scan barcodes, add discounts/notes, manage order status (offered/lost), and specify order type (table, package, courier).
⭐️ Table Management: Create contactless QR code menus, receive online orders, manage reservations and table status, process partial payments, and track customer counts.
⭐️ Payment Processing: Accept cash, credit cards, and meal vouchers. View change due, manage discrepancies, and easily share payment information.
⭐️ Peripheral Integration: Compatible with kitchen and cashier printers (Ethernet and Bluetooth), automatically prints and cuts receipts, and supports cash drawers and barcode scanners.
⭐️ Inventory & Customer Management: Track stock levels, set minimums and purchase prices, adjust inventory, and generate reports. Save customer data, send SMS messages, and search by phone number.
RePOS: Restaurant POS System is a complete solution for the food and beverage industry. It offers seamless online ordering, efficient table management, versatile payment options, and robust inventory and customer management tools. Printer and barcode scanner integration streamlines operations and minimizes errors. Its intuitive design and advanced features empower businesses to thrive. Download RePOS today and elevate your establishment!
Android 5.1 or later