This all-in-one app delivers the ultimate Mexican news experience, consolidating all things Milenio for modern users. Stay informed with breaking news from Mexico's leading news portal, Milenio. Access print editions from ten cities and enjoy live, 24/7 news coverage from Millennium Television. Follow your favorite sports journalists and columnists, and access your preferred shows on demand. Personalize your news feed with your favorite writers and sections, ensuring you see the content most relevant to you. With unlimited access to the best of Milenio, this app is your key to staying connected and informed.
A fully customizable news experience.
Select your preferred local edition, writers, and sections.
Unlimited access to, Mexico's top news portal.
Access print editions from 10 cities via the Milenio diary.
Watch Millennium Television, a leading 24-hour news channel, and access key programs on demand.
Receive comprehensive sports coverage from Mexico and internationally, including expert commentary from journalists and columnists.
Customize your news feed to highlight your preferred topics and authors.
Stay connected 24/7 with live news, print editions, and on-demand programming.
Explore diverse viewpoints through insightful opinion pieces and global sports updates.
The Milenio app provides a completely customizable platform for all your news needs, offering a wide range of content, including breaking news, sports, and opinion pieces. Download today for a streamlined, engaging news experience.
Android 5.1 or later