Experience the ultimate in digital reading with KReader, a cutting-edge, highly customizable ebook reader supporting a vast array of formats including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. Its intuitive interface and innovative features, such as auto-scrolling and hands-free audio playback, redefine the reading experience. Effortlessly manage your library, quickly locate specific documents, and utilize powerful tools like bookmarks, annotations, and integrated online translation. KReader seamlessly syncs your reading progress across multiple devices, allowing for personalized reading settings and endless possibilities. Download the free version now and unlock the full potential with a PRO license for an ad-free experience.
Create custom lists to organize your library for easy access to your favorite books and documents. Utilize bookmarks and annotations to highlight key passages and add personal notes. Sync your reading progress across devices for uninterrupted reading, wherever you are.
KReader is a versatile and user-friendly ebook reader packed with features designed to enhance your reading experience. From customizable settings and integrated translation to offline dictionaries, KReader offers a comprehensive reading solution. Download the free version to explore its capabilities and consider upgrading to the ad-free PRO license for ongoing support and updates. Begin your enhanced reading journey today!
Android 5.1 or later