⭐️ Event Feed: Create, share, and stay updated on all JCI Salem Metro events. Include detailed descriptions and eye-catching invitation images.
⭐️ Social Sharing: Seamlessly share event posts to your other social media channels to expand your reach.
⭐️ Business Feed: Promote your business and connect with other professionals through targeted ads and offers.
⭐️ Business Promotion: Share your business ads and offers with your personal network to broaden your business connections.
⭐️ Member Profiles: Discover fellow members, their interests, skills, and experience, building a stronger sense of community.
⭐️ Profile Management: Maintain an accurate and complete profile, including photos, education, experience, and skills, ensuring up-to-date information for all members.
JCI Connect is your go-to app for staying connected within the JCI Salem Metro community. Easily share event details, promote your business, and network with fellow members. Its intuitive interface and robust profile management make it an invaluable resource. Download the app now and start connecting!
Android 5.1 or later