?The Fairy Garden is located in the intersection between light and dark. Long ago, a mystical witch, she had been in love with a human boy since she was a little girl. But the boy turned his back on her and married someone else.Out of her mind, she came to a fairy garden.?Do you wonder how the story will develop next in this mysterious garden??The garden has been neglected for so long that it has been taken over by the Devil Dragon. As a witch, she had to both fight with Devil Dragon, and also been a builder to restore the Fairy Garden.?Do you wonder if she can really do it?☀️Self-redemption and healing in the wonderful Garden was entwined the story unfolds.Merge Elves Features:Gather Elves?It is a wonder that many elves hide in this beautiful garden. Discover brand new elves, that lived in the Garden. Develop them, and after 4 growth stages, they will eventually become loyal honest guards for your Garden.Hatch Elf Eggs, the Elves will work for you in your Garden, and gather items for you.Match Items?Hundreds of items are waiting for you to drag and merge, create mighty combinations to unlock items for upgrading, and file in your secret Garden.Find out all destroyed Meerjungfrauen-Statues in each level, rescue them by merging to create their lives anew!Daily Challenge?Open Chests, collect Coins, and merge Gems, finish recipes to gain Daily Reward.New tasks are always waiting for a response to your challenge.Do you wonder if you can complete these challenges?Online Community of Friends?You can just play alone the game, but you can also have fun with everyone by joining a community!On the Event island, you can speak freely with other players!Create Garden cottage?Evil has taken over the garden cottage, fight against them and heal the land to restore and take back the elf home.Collect elf eggs, hatch them in the garden cottage, use our strength to restore the former beauty of our homeland.Download now and discover where Merge Elves with your families and friends.Merge Elves will bring you more fantasy experience, and travel with us in the beautiful world of magic.All suggestions and questions related to the game can be contacted through official channels.Contact us: https://www.facebook.com/lisgametechEmail: [email protected]
What's New in the Latest Version 2.6.9
Last updated on Aug 7, 2024
Fixed known issues with the Egg House
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