> ゲーム >Leo and Сars: games for kids

Leo and Сars: games for kids

Leo and Сars: games for kids




パズル 116.00M Dec 10,2024




Leo and Сars: games for kids スクリーンショット 1
Leo and Сars: games for kids スクリーンショット 2
Leo and Сars: games for kids スクリーンショット 3
Leo and Сars: games for kids スクリーンショット 4

Leo and Cars: Games for Kids is a fun, educational 3D game perfect for young children. Based on the popular "Leo the Truck" cartoon, this app helps kids develop attentiveness, motor skills, and spatial reasoning. Children can build ten different vehicles, from excavators to helicopters, and complete various tasks in Leo's vibrant playground.

The game features:

  • Engaging 3D environment: A colorful world based on the beloved "Leo the Truck" show provides a stimulating and immersive experience.
  • Educational focus: Kids learn about different construction vehicles, their parts, and how they work through interactive gameplay. Voiced machine parts enhance learning.
  • Skill development: Building cars and completing tasks improves attentiveness and spatial thinking skills.
  • Variety of vehicles: Ten different vehicles to build and play with, keeping children entertained for hours.
  • User-friendly interface: A simple, intuitive design makes the app easy for young children to navigate independently.
  • Parental controls: Offers peace of mind for parents with built-in controls for in-app purchases and settings.

Leo and Cars provides a safe and enjoyable learning experience, blending education and entertainment seamlessly. The app's vibrant graphics, diverse tasks, and familiar characters from "Leo the Truck" make it an excellent choice for parents seeking a fun and educational game for their kids. Download and let the building begin!

バージョン: v1.0.80
サイズ: 116.00M
OS: Android 5.1 or later
プラットホーム: Android
関連記事 もっと
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