⭐️ Extensive Server Network: Access a vast network of high-speed servers across 45 locations worldwide, optimizing your connection for speed and performance.
⭐️ Enhanced Network Security: Benefit from superior security across various network types, including WiFi, LTE, 3G, and 4G, shielding your data from potential threats.
⭐️ Multi-Device Support (Pro Plan): The Pro plan allows simultaneous use on up to 7 devices, offering ultimate flexibility and convenience.
⭐️ Split Tunneling: Precisely control your online privacy by selectively routing specific apps or traffic through IVPN, while maintaining direct connections for others.
⭐️ Advanced Privacy with Multi-Hop: For enhanced anonymity, utilize multi-hop connections, routing your traffic through multiple servers for an extra layer of security.
⭐️ 24/7 Customer Support: Enjoy peace of mind with our dedicated 24/7 customer support team, ready to assist with any questions or issues.
IVPN, with its lightning-fast WireGuard connections, provides a robust and efficient solution for data protection. Leverage the advantages of our extensive server network, enhanced network security, and multi-device compatibility. Take charge of your online privacy with features like split tunneling and multi-hop connections. Our 24/7 support ensures you're always covered. Download now for secure browsing, connection masking, and a truly private online experience.
Android 5.1 or later