⭐️ Hangul to Kanji Conversion: Effortlessly convert Hangul input into corresponding Kanji characters.
⭐️ Extensive Kanji Support: Access a vast library of 27,484 Kanji characters (Unicode 3.0).
⭐️ Special Symbol Input: Easily input special symbols like ㄲㄲ ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ ㄸ ㅃ ㅃ ㅊ ㅊ ㅌ using alphabetic shortcuts.
⭐️ Seamless Copy & Paste: Quickly copy and paste converted text to other apps and platforms.
⭐️ Complementary Word Conversion App: Integrates with a dedicated app for Hanja word translation.
⭐️ Handwriting Recognition: Input Chinese characters directly using the app's handwriting feature.
The H한자변환 app empowers you to communicate effectively using a wide range of Kanji and special symbols. Its intuitive design, along with the copy/paste functionality and integration with a word conversion app, simplifies your workflow. The handwriting input option adds extra versatility. Download today and elevate your writing and cross-lingual communication!
Android 5.1 or later