⭐️ Current Information: The app is based on the latest version (1.2.3), guaranteeing access to the most current driving regulations and scenarios.
⭐️ High-Quality Learning Materials: Practice all 120 traffic situations with high-definition videos and detailed explanations for optimal comprehension.
⭐️ Extensive Practice Exams: 12 complete practice tests, covering all 120 scenarios, offer a structured approach to learning and memory reinforcement.
⭐️ Realistic Test Simulation: Randomized test generation accurately mimics the structure and difficulty of the real driving exam.
⭐️ Extra Practice: Beyond the 12 main tests, additional practice scenarios offer further review and build confidence.
⭐️ Added Benefits: Numerous additional features enhance the learning experience, making preparation efficient and engaging.
Download Ôn thi 120 mô phỏng THGT today! Benefit from up-to-date information, high-quality videos, comprehensive practice exams, and realistic test simulations. With extra practice and helpful features, you'll be well-prepared to ace your driving exam and hit the road with confidence!
Android 5.1 or later